Sunday, July 17, 2011

Waiting in Faith

IT is beautiful to have the feeling of the spirit with you. That awesome feeling I would feel in prayer and in worship especially when my relationship became a matter of my own heart after the Lord. Those “feelings-moments” became far and few in-between and I longed for it. So I would do as many “religious” things I could to feel the Spirit again. Little did I know he never left me, then I came to understand that the “feeling” not felt is not a bad thing as it can be a growth in faith thing. Even though I didn’t feel the Spirit I continued to pray and read the Word. I continued to listen for the Spirit of the Lord to guide me. I wanted to hear the Lord speak to me so bad I began to think it was me internally speaking to myself. Until…. (insert awesome story)
Two weeks ago on Friday I was reading and praying and all the sudden I had a thought tell me to do the drive through difference at Mc D’s. (Y’all know what that is right? It’s when you pay for the meal behind you in a drive through) At this point I began to have dialogue with myself.
“That would be nice if I even wanted to go to McD’s but I don’t want to.” “You remember the guy from NLC who came to church for that it would be a real nice thing to do to do something to lead someone to church or even Christ” “But I don’t want to get drive through or even breakfast”
Then my son came downstairs; “Mom can I go to work with you and then can we get some breakfast on the way.” I replied  UGH “Yes Daniel” now I know I have to do the drive through difference.
So when we go to Mc D’s I steadily look at the people behind me thinking “they probably already know Christ, they are probably ordering for the whole office, I want to keep my money I have been saving all week.” But the entire time I have conversations with myself my son is watching thinking I am crazy.  “I feel so strongly that I need to do this but why am I even arguing with myself… I am gonna do it, the thought came I am going to act on it…so be it.”
I asked the man at the window  “How much is the bill for the car behind me I would like to pay for it”
Daniel says “mom that’s crazy don’t do it that is stupid” – I respond “Daniel I have to I promise, I have had this thought all morning and even though it may be crazy I think God is telling me to so I have to.” So I did (btw it was only a couple of bucks)
I immediately wanted to get my food and leave because I felt a little weird, especially, what if they ask “why? - Do I know you?” Responding- “To God be the Glory or Jesus Loves You!” seems hard to say to a stranger at a drive through. I felt more comfortable wanting to just get my food and go, go quickly. Then the McD’s person said pull up you have to wait for your food. Great! I thought, so I pull up. The car behind me did pull up when they got their food and rolled down the window. Immediately I thought to myself #Awkward
The lady and her son of course said thank you and that it was a blessing. She stated that she wanted to do that same thing for the person behind her that the Lord was leading her to do it but she didn’t know how. She even said she was checking out my church sticker on my car, that something was drawing her to me and my van. They shared with me that they have a food pantry ministry in Indian Trail if I would like to look at it. I didn’t cause at that point I would be late for work. I encouraged them to give me their number and I was going to give them my card. She urged me to come look at it..ok.. I thought “I will have to make it quick, so I’m not late for work”. There was no traffic on HWY 74 at all. I was able to pull on the hwy go down a block or so and then cross over the hwy to the side street I was going to. (When is there ever NO traffic on 74 especially on a Friday morning at 9am – REALLY?) – God can not only move mnts but he can stop traffic as well J
So I get there and it is a thrift store and food pantry ministry. The kind lady was explaining to me that they deliver the food at the same time I am sharing with her that I am creating a prayer room at my daycare. She introduced me to her husband who also had a ministry of a prayer walk in the woods close by, but they moved to this location a few months ago. They had beautiful crosses that I purchased and then her husband spoke to me about a cross at his old ministry location. A HUGE cross! So he donated it to June Bug’s prayer room and it was so awesome. (we later cut it down that day and it sits in the prayer room at June Bug’s NOW – in hopes to be an instrument for others to grow in their relationship with God).
 I was high on Christ the whole day! I was just in awe of how he does speak to us and when we listen spectacular things and connections can happen. I still feel led to help the Common Things ministry if only to volunteer and will follow-up with them and do something to help. The initial meeting was a delightful series of events that the Spirit orchestrated. I was so excited that it was more than a “feeling” it was a back and forth - instruction- respond – result. If that is not evidence I don’t know what is. It was small. No angel from heaven and revealed himself but the spirit was there and working.
God taught me that day that he has been speaking to me all along it’s not that I couldn’t hear him I just wasn’t listening to him. Even in this example I even argued with the fact it was God thinking it was just me talking to myself. So God can work awesome things through us and use us as the tool we were intended to be if we listen to him when he speaks. The moment from feeling to feeling or event where the Spirit does something to say “I am here” knowing the Spirit is there with you, as you continue to be faithful by prayer, reading the Word, listening for Him, and good acts is FAITH. The waiting in-between and still seeking Him is FAITH. He will show up but the important thing is what you are doing in the meantime as you wait for Him was the revelation for me. In addition to that awesome way God showed up Daniel, my son, was there to see the whole thing!

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