Obedience to the Lord….
The Lord sent me a message this morning through a beautiful spirited woman. I found her looking for my office at the daycare and asked her if she needed assistance. She told me with a humble voice yes I need to talk with someone God has placed on my heart that I needed to handle my past due balance. She continued that her daughter is now 22 years old and attended the facility over 15 years ago. As we entered the office I explained that we would have to locate the records through the owner of the facility, some years ago all our computers were stolen so it may take a moment to gather the records (we didn’t have it on site). She proceeded to explain while holding cash in her hand…
“I know the amount God has not allowed me to forget, you see I wasn’t a follower of Christ then, but I recently became born again. God has reminded me every so often throughout the years to settle my debt and to ask for forgiveness. This belongs to Him and I don’t know if there have been prayers coming from this place but God has set on my heart to come here today and do this.” She told me the amount to the exact change of what the debt was as she held it tightly in her hands with glowing eyes filling slightly with tears. “I pray for you all and the families, I pray for the owners. For I know that if I listen to His commands and if I am obedient with what He has instructed me to do then my heart will open up to more of what he has planned for me. If I am obedient then I can get closer to Him and he can continue to bless my life. I ask the owners for forgiveness that I held on to it for so long.”
After that moment I was reminded of the passage my pastor spoke of only weeks ago in the bible…”Speak Lord for your servant is listening”
When I became a child of God my heart’s desire has been to hear God. “I just want to hear your whisper Lord.” So today God spoke to me in the form of a beautiful spirited woman. He gave me a message of obedience to His word and how His desire is to set us free in truth from bondage by being obedient to Him. God has promised happiness and He is always faithful to His word. Our happiness on which He has promised comes through obedience in His word. Please use this as a reminder of what God has placed on your heart what He desires for you to do. He may be asking you to be obedient in his word by reading his word, sharing his word, loving his people, or not allowing your character to crumble under pressure.
In all you do give Glory to the Lord your God!
1 Samuel 3:9 So Eli told Samuel, "Go and lie down, and if he calls you, say, 'Speak, LORD, for your servant is listening.' " So Samuel went and lay down in his place.
1 Samuel 3:10 The LORD came and stood there, calling as at the other times, "Samuel! Samuel!" Then Samuel said, "Speak, for your servant is listening."
1 Samuel 3:11 And the LORD said to Samuel: "See, I am about to do something in Israel that will make the ears of everyone who hears of it tingle.
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