Sunday, September 11, 2011

Jesus Mad Libs

Had a major rationalization that I am my own worst enemy.
So many times we get caught up in our own feelings we allow it to limit us from our capabilities. We have fear, doubt, could have, wish I were, must be nice attitude….. It blinds us from the truth…Jesus Christ is enough for all of that. I repeat it for my benefit…Jesus Christ is enough!! Just as much as we beat ourselves with the same crap over and over again we need to repeat the truth…
Jesus meets any expectations that others can’t…
Just like in Mad Libs, you know… back in the day all you do is fill in the Blanks. Now use it with the name that represents truth….Jesus!!
Here is an example….
I look to _________to make me feel accepted and loved. When  ________ approval is all I seek I feel complete and valuable with a purpose. When I am reminded of my personal faults ___________ sees it all, and yet still loves me. Not only my personal flaws but my deep wrongs and mistakes and __________ forgives me.  Even when many others will let me down, ridicule me, not accept me, not like me, never see the hard work I do,  __________ always will.
I think I have just realized all this time I have been living a lie of doing for the acceptance of family, friends and other people in the community, always ending up empty. All that I am looking for is in Jesus Christ my savior and in Him I will find all that I am looking for in others. Anything that I have put in His place is a sin (Anything that separates us from God is a sin). When I fill the empty expectations and feelings up with Him I will find completeness.
My family doesn’t appreciate me…but Jesus does!
Work doesn’t see all my effort….but Jesus does!
What I want my spouse to be….Jesus is!
What I wish I was and try to be….Jesus loves the real me!
**You can create your own Mad Libs **
Father I pray to you pleading that when the day is long you continue to make me strong knowing that Jesus is enough. Instill that truth in my heart father and don’t let me forget. I try but will never make it since I put so many novelties in His place, Remove these expectations I have of others and of myself, I trust that your son, my savior is enough!
"my heart will sing no other name"

Friday, September 9, 2011

Living in God's Love

Romans 5:5 states that the love of God is poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom He gave us. What this means is that when the Lord, in the form of the Holy Spirit, comes to dwell in our hearts through our faith (believing) in His son Jesus Christ, He brings love with Him,( 1John4:8) because God is love.
Let’s ask ourselves what are we doing with the love of God that has been given to us?
 Do we reject it because we don’t think we are worthy enough to be loved?
Do we believe God is like others who have hurt us?
Or do we receive his love by faith, believing that He is greater than our weakness and failures?
Allow the love God brought into your heart be a part of you and who you are. You cannot get away from yourself. You will be with you for the rest of your life. Have a relationship with yourself and ask God to be involved as well. It is important that we have peace with ourselves and accept the love God has for us into our hearts. Receive it, Believe it and enjoy living in the freedom of the love that is in you and the love God has for you.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Staying on Task

It is so convenient to get discouraged and worn thin with doing GODS WORK (so we think). Sometimes we get so busy doing God’s work we tend to forget to invite Him along with us. If that is the case then we are not doing His work but our own. If we are doing our own work then “yes” you will tire and wear thin.  The bible gives many examples of how our strength comes from God so therefore any work that is ordered by Him then you would assume He will give you the energy to do it.
Phil 4:13 “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me”
I don’t think it is the fact that we can’t do it or forget God is our rock and our strength I feel that as we get so busy doing we forget what it will take to get it done.
1 Peter 5:7 Cast all your anxiety on Him because he cares for you.
Colossians 3:23 Whatever you do , work at it with all your heart as working for the Lord and not for man.
Phil 4:6 Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and petition with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.
Proverbs 3:5 Lean on, Trust in, and be confident in the Lord with all your heart and mind and do not rely on your own insight or understanding.
And when we feel completely overwhelmed we are instructed to redirect our thinking…
Psalm 143:4- 5 My spirit grows faint within me; my heart within me is dismayed. I remember the days of long ago; I meditate on all your works and consider what your hand has done.
So in other words if your swallowed by life and hanging on by a thread, fix your thoughts on the good things that God has done or provided if you can’t see what He is doing now.
You may not be where you want to be but aren’t you glad you’re not where you were before you had LIFE?
We must be Careful in how we WALK, Seek Wisdom from the Lord, and Be Alert to the Lord’s guidance and opportunities to allow Him to love others through us. (CWA)
WE are given a great task issued from our Father and any task He has given us, as long as HE is invited every step of the way will be successful. The task will be fruitful and your joy in doing it will be abundant. However, If He isn’t invited, if you are doing the work for men and not the Lord, if you grumble and not humble. The task will be worrisome and difficult for you to bear.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

My Lord said to me.".I love you More"

As His love penetrates my heart I find my moments looking to His discretion and seeking His direction.
 I climb into the mountains seeking Gods creation desperately looking for His explanation in this beautiful tapestry yet longing for my father’s correction.
 What I see is only beauty and peace.
 I watch man and woman become one in unity, taking vows of Love; at that moment I am reminded of the Love that originally consumed me.
I am reminded of the death of my God who said He loved me MORE. My God said “I LOVE YOU MORE!!!”
As I look onto my Lords creation I see the wonder and Majesty of His splendor….
Then as I am reminded of my faults and ask for forgiveness He tells me “I Love you More” SAVIOR said “I Love you More” How could You possibly!! … I cry!!
 All my sins, all that I’ve done wrong!!
Those moments I tried but wasn’t strong ….
Once more I hear in His sigh as he picked me up, brushed off my knees my Father said “I love you More”
As he brushed off my knees he saw inside of me only the things He knew I could be.
Because all I see is what I am not, the battles I in my heart Jesus fought but in my human nature lost.
How great is the Lord our God!
I am not measured by my shortcomings and faults.
I can rise above all the negative statements, condemnation and plots.
When my Lord saw me He said in spite of me … “I love you More”
Not because I love Him BUT because HE loved me first His blood is what quenches my thirst.
It runs deep in my veins and His love is what grasps my desperate claims and breaks me from my chains…
My Father, my Lord and my God said “I love you more” and with that it is HE I adore…
I am in awe and in LOVE with my God....

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

long obedience

From my reading “RED MOON RISING” (Some are my own words, some not) But all AWESOME to share with others

The communication in my reading was in reference to Obedience to the Lord… as described in the text from the book (Red Moon Rising)“Long Obedience” is the process of being obedient. I have struggled with this particular area in my life because sometimes the waiting would seem as spiritual stagnation, a blah state, or dry spell; as some may call it. So as I gathered some clarity through reading, maybe it wasn’t a problem as I saw it but a time for me to dive deeper in my relationship with God by being obedient. Which leads me to why I wanted to share…

Hardened Heart
At the time we are not aware of the process but pleasure pain and sin harden our hearts or numb our hearts. Even though we are unaware God still sees this and cannot look away. “He loves us too much and has called us to too much to allow us to settle for less than full spiritual health” In Hebrews 12:10 it states that God “disciplines us for our good, that we may share in His holiness” God has to take our hardened heart and make it feel again. He uses all types of circumstances, scripture, books, situations and encounters. He may use pain either of grater loss or a simpler experience to wake up your heart. “But there can be no movement in our lives until we are confronted by our current state.”

Wrestling begins when one tries to make sense of this inner turmoil. We will search for words to describe these confused feelings. We will seek Gods answers by studying scripture, praying, reading books, and listening to worship music. With this we tend to debate on what it is that God wants us to do. “God is watching all this new activity with delight.” Yet God still says nothing.

When God gives you the words for what has been bothering you and stirring in your heart. You have some understanding to what questions you have and can begin to speak clearer to God. The answers may not be evident but the questions are beginning to form. You have some direction to the original confused and hurting thoughts. Your dialog with God is developing and you are growing. You are waiting and watching for God to show.

God steps in. He watched as you sought answers. He delighted as you prayed to Him and had conversations with Him. He was sowing seeds in your heart in order to soften it. Humble prayer on your knees, crying and questions is now that God steps in to bless you. He brings to your questions and wrestling clarity and light. You now look to Him in faith, in obedience and follow through.

Then you get to start the process over again.

“So I am waiting on God, and God is waiting on me to see if I am waiting for Him or wanting things from Him.”

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Waiting in Faith

IT is beautiful to have the feeling of the spirit with you. That awesome feeling I would feel in prayer and in worship especially when my relationship became a matter of my own heart after the Lord. Those “feelings-moments” became far and few in-between and I longed for it. So I would do as many “religious” things I could to feel the Spirit again. Little did I know he never left me, then I came to understand that the “feeling” not felt is not a bad thing as it can be a growth in faith thing. Even though I didn’t feel the Spirit I continued to pray and read the Word. I continued to listen for the Spirit of the Lord to guide me. I wanted to hear the Lord speak to me so bad I began to think it was me internally speaking to myself. Until…. (insert awesome story)
Two weeks ago on Friday I was reading and praying and all the sudden I had a thought tell me to do the drive through difference at Mc D’s. (Y’all know what that is right? It’s when you pay for the meal behind you in a drive through) At this point I began to have dialogue with myself.
“That would be nice if I even wanted to go to McD’s but I don’t want to.” “You remember the guy from NLC who came to church for that it would be a real nice thing to do to do something to lead someone to church or even Christ” “But I don’t want to get drive through or even breakfast”
Then my son came downstairs; “Mom can I go to work with you and then can we get some breakfast on the way.” I replied  UGH “Yes Daniel” now I know I have to do the drive through difference.
So when we go to Mc D’s I steadily look at the people behind me thinking “they probably already know Christ, they are probably ordering for the whole office, I want to keep my money I have been saving all week.” But the entire time I have conversations with myself my son is watching thinking I am crazy.  “I feel so strongly that I need to do this but why am I even arguing with myself… I am gonna do it, the thought came I am going to act on it…so be it.”
I asked the man at the window  “How much is the bill for the car behind me I would like to pay for it”
Daniel says “mom that’s crazy don’t do it that is stupid” – I respond “Daniel I have to I promise, I have had this thought all morning and even though it may be crazy I think God is telling me to so I have to.” So I did (btw it was only a couple of bucks)
I immediately wanted to get my food and leave because I felt a little weird, especially, what if they ask “why? - Do I know you?” Responding- “To God be the Glory or Jesus Loves You!” seems hard to say to a stranger at a drive through. I felt more comfortable wanting to just get my food and go, go quickly. Then the McD’s person said pull up you have to wait for your food. Great! I thought, so I pull up. The car behind me did pull up when they got their food and rolled down the window. Immediately I thought to myself #Awkward
The lady and her son of course said thank you and that it was a blessing. She stated that she wanted to do that same thing for the person behind her that the Lord was leading her to do it but she didn’t know how. She even said she was checking out my church sticker on my car, that something was drawing her to me and my van. They shared with me that they have a food pantry ministry in Indian Trail if I would like to look at it. I didn’t cause at that point I would be late for work. I encouraged them to give me their number and I was going to give them my card. She urged me to come look at it..ok.. I thought “I will have to make it quick, so I’m not late for work”. There was no traffic on HWY 74 at all. I was able to pull on the hwy go down a block or so and then cross over the hwy to the side street I was going to. (When is there ever NO traffic on 74 especially on a Friday morning at 9am – REALLY?) – God can not only move mnts but he can stop traffic as well J
So I get there and it is a thrift store and food pantry ministry. The kind lady was explaining to me that they deliver the food at the same time I am sharing with her that I am creating a prayer room at my daycare. She introduced me to her husband who also had a ministry of a prayer walk in the woods close by, but they moved to this location a few months ago. They had beautiful crosses that I purchased and then her husband spoke to me about a cross at his old ministry location. A HUGE cross! So he donated it to June Bug’s prayer room and it was so awesome. (we later cut it down that day and it sits in the prayer room at June Bug’s NOW – in hopes to be an instrument for others to grow in their relationship with God).
 I was high on Christ the whole day! I was just in awe of how he does speak to us and when we listen spectacular things and connections can happen. I still feel led to help the Common Things ministry if only to volunteer and will follow-up with them and do something to help. The initial meeting was a delightful series of events that the Spirit orchestrated. I was so excited that it was more than a “feeling” it was a back and forth - instruction- respond – result. If that is not evidence I don’t know what is. It was small. No angel from heaven and revealed himself but the spirit was there and working.
God taught me that day that he has been speaking to me all along it’s not that I couldn’t hear him I just wasn’t listening to him. Even in this example I even argued with the fact it was God thinking it was just me talking to myself. So God can work awesome things through us and use us as the tool we were intended to be if we listen to him when he speaks. The moment from feeling to feeling or event where the Spirit does something to say “I am here” knowing the Spirit is there with you, as you continue to be faithful by prayer, reading the Word, listening for Him, and good acts is FAITH. The waiting in-between and still seeking Him is FAITH. He will show up but the important thing is what you are doing in the meantime as you wait for Him was the revelation for me. In addition to that awesome way God showed up Daniel, my son, was there to see the whole thing!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Freedom to love others

Identifying Freedom
So as I explained earlier there is a deeper understanding to the freedom that is gained from the “faultless law” which is the law of following the instructions and teachings of Christ. WE gain freedom from our faults and our sins are forgiven. In addition we also gain the freedom to love others which is the understanding that the same grace we are given other individuals are given the same grace.
At the supermarket, work, home anything little or big….they deserve the same grace. Jesus died for them, his blood washes away their sins, faults, wrongs and iniquities as well as our own.
The freedom is in understanding and accepting this truth. What a concept! Release those irritations, anger, frustration or even deeper emotions towards someone who wronged you. Don’t let them get the best of you! Give them the rest of you, love them and forgive them. Say a PRAYER for them!
The blessing is the freedom to enjoy your day!! Enjoy your day allowing the Lord to love others through you!
Father, I ask that you show me those people who need an extra prayer. Show me that person you have placed in my path in which your looking to give them love through my actions. God I desire nothing more to be an instrument for you today! Guide my heart and my mouth to do and say your will. Forgive me of my sins and Lord I pray you bless those who have also wronged me. Those who I remember and those who I have forgotten, father bless. Thank you Lord for this day! In Jesus Holy name I pray! ~Amen

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

A new thought on freedom

Have you ever had that moment when the imaginary light bulb goes off in your head and you got it!! Now mind you, understanding and living it are still two different things but understanding it is half the battle (the easy half) But it’s a starting point….
 God turned on my light bulb and helped explained to me a new thought on freedom. We are always in agreement as Christians that when Jesus died for our sins he set us free from our bondage and sins. He granted us freedom from our faults and the things we do wrong. Through His blood we are forgiven by our heavenly father. I just understood the second part of that deal. The freedom not just from the sins and wrongs I have done but in return the freedom to love others and forgive them of their wrongs. Not just because it is the right thing to do but…. #insertdRamatic/music….Because they deserve the same grace that was given to me, the same forgiveness I ask for they deserve it to. No matter if it is big or small but the FREEDOM TO LOVE OTHERS…
James 1:25 (Amplified)
"But he who looks carefully at into the faultless law, the law of liberty, and is faithful to it and perseveres in looking into it, being not a heedless listener who forgets but an active doer (who obeys) he shall be blessed in his doing(his life obedience)."
“The law of liberty” The law of liberty is the law or commands in which Jesus spoke of with loving others just as much as you love yourself and to love our Lord God with all your heart, mind and soul. With this in mind you’re granted the freedom of self-control, love and forgiveness because God has placed a new heart in you. With that new heart you now have the ability to be led of the spirit, who gives you the freedom to love others.
James 1:25 NIV  - "The man who looks intently into the perfect law that gives FREEDOM, and continues to do this not forgetting what he has heard, but doing it he will be blessed in what he does."
…have to go to work but there is more…. TO BE CONTINUED J

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Obedience to the Lord....

Obedience to the Lord….
            The Lord sent me a message this morning through a beautiful spirited woman. I found her looking for my office at the daycare and asked her if she needed assistance. She told me with a humble voice yes I need to talk with someone God has placed on my heart that I needed to handle my past due balance. She continued that her daughter is now 22 years old and attended the facility over 15 years ago. As we entered the office I explained that we would have to locate the records through the owner of the facility, some years ago all our computers were stolen so it may take a moment to gather the records (we didn’t have it on site). She proceeded to explain while holding cash in her hand…
“I know the amount God has not allowed me to forget, you see I wasn’t a follower of Christ then, but I recently became born again. God has reminded me every so often throughout the years to settle my debt and to ask for forgiveness. This belongs to Him and I don’t know if there have been prayers coming from this place but God has set on my heart to come here today and do this.”  She told me the amount to the exact change of what the debt was as she held it tightly in her hands with glowing eyes filling slightly with tears. “I pray for you all and the families, I pray for the owners. For I know that if I listen to His commands and if I am obedient with what He has instructed me to do then my heart will open up to more of what he has planned for me. If I am obedient then I can get closer to Him and he can continue to bless my life. I ask the owners for forgiveness that I held on to it for so long.”
After that moment I was reminded of the passage my pastor spoke of only weeks ago in the bible…”Speak Lord for your servant is listening”
When I became a child of God my heart’s desire has been to hear God. “I just want to hear your whisper Lord.” So today God spoke to me in the form of a beautiful spirited woman. He gave me a message of obedience to His word and how His desire is to set us free in truth from bondage by being obedient to Him. God has promised happiness and He is always faithful to His word. Our happiness on which He has promised comes through obedience in His word. Please use this as a reminder of what God has placed on your heart what He desires for you to do. He may be asking you to be obedient in his word by reading his word, sharing his word, loving his people, or not allowing your character to crumble under pressure.
 In all you do give Glory to the Lord your God!

1 Samuel 3:9 So Eli told Samuel, "Go and lie down, and if he calls you, say, 'Speak, LORD, for your servant is listening.' " So Samuel went and lay down in his place.

1 Samuel 3:10 The LORD came and stood there, calling as at the other times, "Samuel! Samuel!" Then Samuel said, "Speak, for your servant is listening."

1 Samuel 3:11 And the LORD said to Samuel: "See, I am about to do something in Israel that will make the ears of everyone who hears of it tingle.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

I Smile

I smile
My tears I hide
the thoughts I hold inside.
If only you could see
how hard it is to smile for me.
Every day I exercise that grin
if as simple as a smile brings you joy within.
One thing that keeps me whole
is the love which binds me to my savior
who paid the price, He saved my soul.
He is the truth and He set me free
from bondage and sin it was He,
who brings the smile out of me.
At home I feel so alone like no one understands my thoughts or desires.
So I burry them deep inside,
this passion,
this uncontrollable fire.
Why can I not shine with this light built inside?
Why cannot not be released from this pride?
Do not judge me I am only doing what is natural.
I’m connecting to the love that loved me first,
it is He who quenches my thirst.
The kingdom is near
Those who don’t know the Father have much to fear,
The kingdom is present in the gift of Christ
The loneliness, the hurt, the journey must be told,
I pray it reaches one more soul for the Father to hold
I keep on smiling because of He,
He smiled first when He saw Me.
Written by~ Leah Parker

Thursday, June 16, 2011

All the time praise...

Not just when the music is on and the sun shines…..
I want to praise you all the time!
Not only when love is rich and blessings flow…
I want to demonstrate praise to you during the unknown.
When the baby cries it’s not silence I desire, Father, it is patience I ask for and energy so I don’t tire.
Let me find joy in the dishes and laundry piles,
I want to work as if I work for you Lord.
God I need you to warm my heart through all types of small and difficult trials.
When I feel there is no rest in sight…
May I remember the crucifixion of my Savior! Bask in His company! And seek His light!
Written By: Leah Parker

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Life Lesson #362

Drinking coffee right before bed may not be the bestest of ideas...Yeah it tastes good but next time decaf is a better option...Im just saying...

The Ontological Argument on the Existence of God

Believing in the existence of God, the creator of heaven and earth, God to all that is seen and unseen challenges those who have doubt and difficulty in faith. “Ontological arguments are arguments, for the conclusion that God exists, from evidence produced from some source other than only the observation of the world. The conclusion must be obtained from just reason alone. In other words, ontological arguments are arguments from nothing but analytic, a priori and necessary premises to the conclusion that God exists.” (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy Spring 2011 Edition). The question lies not in if He exists but if you believe he exists to you.
One cannot see the wind but the evidence is clear that it exists when you feel it blow or carries pollen or seeds from on place to another. The same is with the existence of God; you cannot see God physically but you can feel Him when He moves through your heart or when He carries you through struggle or triumph to another. The existence in God is in ones faith. Those who do not believe in the being of God have already made their mind up that He does not exist or it is impossible for Him to exist so therefore they have a lack of faith. What is faith? The biblical explanation of faith is that faith is the means by which we change our perspective from flesh to spirit. When we go through difficult trails faith is the tangible “substance” (Heb 11:1) of the things that we hope for and the evidence of things that we do not see. The Greek word pistis is translated as “ground of confidence”. Faith in God changes your fleshy worry, doubt and uncertainty into a ground of confidence and proof. So then faith is not merely a belief but knowledge rooted in belief. We trust our eyes and the things we are able to see however, 2 Corith 5:7 directly tells us that we walk by faith and not by sight.
Faith is received by the hearing of the word of God. (Rom 10:17) If faith is to be considered knowledge of a thing then it is logical to understand that in order to know something you must be taught. Each person has a measure of faith to those who have minimal amount of faith they should not be looked poorly upon. (Rom 12:3) states that faith is given so therefore it is a gift. Jesus Christ is the author of faith. It is impossible to please God without faith (Heb 11:6) so in order to have a relationship with Christ you must first know that He exists.
Part of the belief process of God’s existence is also understanding His character. “Traditional theism holds that God is the creator of heaven and earth, and that all that occurs in the universe takes place under the Divine Providence.” Meaning that all is under God's sovereign guidance and control. According to those who believe, God protects and watches over creation as a loving father, He works all things for good. God is an absolutely perfect being and with a perfect existence. He is, omniscient or all-knowing: God knows of all truths and that they are true, He knows of all the falsehoods and that they are false, pertaining to the past, present or future. Most importantly God's knowledge does not change. What God knows, He knows from eternity and infallibly. God is omnipotent meaning that He is all-powerful: anything that is possible, he can do. He is perfectly good: in all circumstances he acts for the best, intending the best possible outcome. (Rom 8:28) “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.”
Describing God’s character helps to outline the relationship that God desires to have with us, we are his creation and his children. Our relationship with God our father is built on an unconditional love that surpassed death. Considering the love that God has for us can help us to understand why he watches over us to protect and governs our lives and our world. Having faith in him identifies that we trust in his governing and love. By having faith we are recognizing our relationship with God. Faith is the breastplate the Armor of God outlined in the bible. (1Thess 5:8) In a suit of armor the breastplate covers the heart. Faith is the essential to guarding your heart. Faith is the key to salvation. Rom 3:28 states that “a man is justified by faith” in order to be saved you must know by faith the price of salvation, the passion of love from God in his sons death did occur, the resurrection did occur.
When is God real to us? When do we feel him, hear him or see him? Through our faith we prove his existence.